Can I Implement a Drop-Down Selector?

Currently there isn't a way to offer a multi-select dropdown, but you can use the Node Config Options tabular to get something similar.

Using the dropdownSelector in tabular allows to create a multi-select option

Using the dropdownSelector in tabular allows to create a multi-select option

To get this, use the following code.

  - displayName: MultiSelect Options
    attributeName: options_multiselect
    type: tabular
      - type: dropdownSelector
        displayName: Option1
        attributeName: Option1
          - Create or Replace
          - Create If Not Exists
          - Create At Existing Stream
        isRequired: false

      - type: dropdownSelector
        displayName: Option2
        attributeName: Option2
          - Create or Replace
          - Create If Not Exists
          - Create At Existing Stream
        isRequired: false

      - type: dropdownSelector
        displayName: Option3
        attributeName: Option3
          - Create or Replace
          - Create If Not Exists
          - Create At Existing Stream
        isRequired: false
    isRequired: false
capitalized: Copy of Stage
short: STG
plural: Stages
tagColor: '#2EB67D'

- groupName: Options
  - type: materializationSelector
    default: table
    - table
    - view
    isRequired: true

  - type: multisourceToggle
    enableIf: "{% if node.materializationType == 'table' %} true {% else %} false {% endif %}" 

  - type: overrideSQLToggle
    enableIf: "{% if node.materializationType == 'view' %} true {% else %} false {% endif %}"
  - displayName: Multi Source Strategy
    attributeName: insertStrategy
    type: dropdownSelector
    default: INSERT
    - "INSERT"
    - "UNION"
    - "UNION ALL"
    isRequired: true
    enableIf: "{% if node.isMultisource %} true {% else %} false {% endif %}"

  - displayName: Truncate Before
    attributeName: truncateBefore
    type: toggleButton
    default: true

  - displayName: Enable Tests
    attributeName: testsEnabled
    type: toggleButton
    default: true
  - displayName: Pre-SQL
    attributeName: preSQL
    type: textBox
    syntax: sql
    isRequired: false

  - displayName: Post-SQL
    attributeName: postSQL
    type: textBox
    syntax: sql
    isRequired: false

  - displayName: MultiSelect Options
    attributeName: options_multiselect
    type: tabular
      - type: dropdownSelector
        displayName: Option1
        attributeName: Option1
          - Create or Replace
          - Create If Not Exists
          - Create At Existing Stream
        isRequired: false

      - type: dropdownSelector
        displayName: Option2
        attributeName: Option2
          - Create or Replace
          - Create If Not Exists
          - Create At Existing Stream
        isRequired: false

      - type: dropdownSelector
        displayName: Option3
        attributeName: Option3
          - Create or Replace
          - Create If Not Exists
          - Create At Existing Stream
        isRequired: false
    isRequired: false