Leverage the power of Snowflake Cortex functions from within Coalesce.
- In Coalesce, open the Workspace where you wish to install the package.
- Go to the Build Setting of the Workspace, tab Packages, and click the Install button on the top right of the page.
- Paste the Package ID, and proceed with the installation process.
Cortex Package
ML Forecast
The Coalesce ML Forecast UDN is a versatile node that allows you to create a forecast table and insert forecasts of time series data using the Snowflake built-in class FORECAST.
Snowflake Cortex is Snowflake's intelligent, fully-managed service that enables organizations to quickly analyze data and build AI applications, all within Snowflake. This service makes Machine Learning (ML) functionality accessible to data engineers to enrich data pipelines while still using SQL. Forecasting employs a machine learning algorithm to predict future data by using historical time series data.
Node Configuration
The ML Forecast has two configuration groups:
Node Properties
Property | Description |
Storage Location | Storage Location where the Forecast table will be created |
Node Type | Name of template used to create node objects |
Description | A description of the node's purpose |
Deploy Enabled | If TRUE the node will be deployed / redeployed when changes are detected If FALSE the node will not be deployed or will be dropped during redeployment |
Forecast Model Input
Option | Description |
Model Instance Name | (Required) Name of the model that needs to be created |
Create Model | True/False toggle to determine model creation: - True: Forcefully create Forecast model -- Series Column (required for multi-series): For multiple time series models, the name of the column defining the multiple time series in input data. - False: Refer to existing Forecast model |
Multi-Series Forecast | True/False toggle for forecast type: - True: Create multi-series forecast model with series column, timestamp column and target column - False: Specify the timestamp column and target column to create single-series forecast model |
Series Column | (Required for multi-series) Column defining multiple time series in input data |
Timestamp Column | (Required) Column containing timestamps in input data |
Target Column | (Required) Column containing target values in input data |
Config object | OBJECT containing key-value pairs to configure forecast job |
Series value | Required for multi-series forecasts. Single value or VARIANT |
Exogenous Variables | True/False toggle: - True: Add future-valued exogenous data using multi-source toggle - False: Create forecast model based on days to forecast only |
Multi Source | Toggle to add future-valued Exogenous data |
Days to Forecast | (Required for forecasts without exogenous variables) Number of steps ahead to forecast |
ML Forecast Preprocessing of Data
When the forecast model returns an error, the error message returned by Snowflake is captured and surfaced directly in the Coalesce application for troubleshooting.
Common scenarios you may encounter:
- NULLS in the source data. The model will cope with some, but not too many NULLS.
- Missing time periods. If the model is unable to determine a consistent frequency in the time series it will cause an error.
- Missing exogenous variables. If the model was trained with exogenous variables.
- Exogenous variables need to be provided into the future to predict future values.
A data preparation step in Coalesce can be used prior to the ML Forecast node to address these issues.
ML Forecast Deployment
ML Forecast Initial Deployment
When deployed for the first time into an environment the ML Forecast node will execute:
Stage | Description |
Create Forecast Table | This will execute a CREATE OR REPLACE statement and create a Forecast Table in the target environment |
ML Forecast Redeployment
After the ML Forecast node has been deployed for the first time into a target environment, subsequent deployments may result in altering the forecast table.
ML Forecast Altering the Forecast Tables
The following column or table changes that is made in isolation or all-together will result in an ALTER statement to modify the Forecast table in the target environment:
- Change in table name
- Dropping existing column
- Alter column data type
- Adding a new column
The following stages are executed:
Stage | Description |
Clone Table | Creates an internal table |
Rename Table/Alter Column/Delete Column/Add Column/Edit table description | Alter table statement is executed to perform the alter operation accordingly |
Swap cloned Table | Upon successful completion of all updates, the clone replaces the main table ensuring that no data is lost |
Delete Table | Drops the internal table |
ML Forecast Undeployment
If a ML Forecast table is deleted from a Workspace, that Workspace is committed to Git and that commit deployed to a higher level environment then the Forecast Table in the target environment will be dropped.
This is executed in two stages:
Stage | Description |
Delete Table | Coalesce Internal table is dropped |
Delete Table | Target table in Snowflake is dropped |
ML Anomaly Detection
The Coalesce ML Anomaly Detection UDN is a versatile node that allows you to create an Anomaly table and insert anomalies of time series data using the Snowflake built-in class ANOMALY DETECTION.
Snowflake Cortex is Snowflake's intelligent, fully-managed service that enables organizations to quickly analyze data and build AI applications, all within Snowflake. This service makes Machine Learning (ML) functionality accessible to data engineers to enrich data pipelines while still using SQL. Anomalies in data are detected by analyzing the dataset using a machine learning algorithm.
ML Anomaly Detection Node Configuration
The ML Anomaly has two configuration groups:
ML Anomaly Node Properties
Property | Description |
Storage Location | Storage Location where the Table will be created |
Node Type | Name of template used to create node objects |
Description | A description of the node's purpose |
Deploy Enabled | If TRUE the node will be deployed / redeployed when changes are detected If FALSE the node will not be deployed or will be dropped during redeployment |
ML Anomaly Model Input
Option | Description |
Model Instance Name | (Required) Name of the model that needs to be created |
Create Model | True/False toggle to determine if model can be created or refer to an existing model: - True: Forcefully create Anomaly model - False: Refer to existing Anomaly model |
Multi-Series | True/False toggle for series type: - True: Create multi-series model with series column, timestamp column and target column - False: Create single-series model |
Series Column | (Required for multi-series) Column defining multiple time series in input data |
Timestamp Column | (Required) Column containing timestamps in input data |
Target Column | (Required) Column containing target(dependent) values in input data |
Config object | Object containing configuration settings for anomaly detection job |
Supervised Data | Toggle to train model using labeled data through multi-source toggle |
Labeled Column | (Availbe with supervised datas) Essential for supervised data, distinguishes between normal and anomalous instances |
Unsupervised Data | Toggle to train model using historical data through multi-source toggle |
Multi Source | Toggle to add data for analysis |
ML Anomaly Detection Preprocessing of Data
When the Anomaly model returns an error, the error message returned by Snowflake is captured and surfaced directly in Coalesce for troubleshooting.
Common scenarios you may encounter:
- Missing time periods. If the model is unable to determine a consistent frequency in the time series it will cause an error.
- Missing labeled column. If the model was trained with supervised data it's necessary to pass a labeled column.
Often, a data preparation step in Coalesce can be used prior to the ML Anomaly Detection node to address these issues.
ML Anomaly Detection Deployment
ML Anomaly Detection Initial Deployment
When deployed for the first time into an environment the ML Anomaly Detection node will execute:
Stage | Description |
Create Anomaly Detection Table | This will execute a CREATE OR REPLACE statement and create an Anomaly Table in the target environment |
ML Anomaly Detection Redeployment
After the ML Anomaly node has been deployed for the first time into a target environment, subsequent deployments may result in altering the Anomaly table.
ML Anomaly Detection Altering the Anomaly Tables
The following column or table changes that is made in isolation or all-together will result in an ALTER statement:
- Change in table name
- Dropping existing column
- Alter column data type
- Adding a new column
The following stages are executed:
Stage | Description |
Clone Table | Creates an internal table |
Rename Table/Alter Column/Delete Column/Add Column/Edit table description | Alter table statement executed to perform operation |
Swap cloned Table | Clone replaces main table after successful updates |
Delete Table | Drops the internal table |
ML Anomaly Detection Undeployment
If a ML Anomaly table is deleted from a Workspace, that Workspace is committed to Git and that commit deployed to a higher level environment then the Anomaly Table in the target environment will be dropped.
This is executed in two stages:
Stage | Description |
Delete Table | Coalesce Internal table is dropped |
Delete Table | Target table in Snowflake is dropped |
LLM Cortex Functions
The Coalesce Cortex Function UDN provides instant access to industry-leading large language models (LLMs) developed by researchers. Additionally, it offers models that Snowflake has finely tuned for specific use cases.
Snowflake Cortex - LLM Functions LLMs are fully hosted and managed by Snowflake, using them requires no setup. Your data stays within Snowflake, giving you the performance, scalability, and governance you expect.
LLM Cortex Functions Node Configuration
The LLMs Cortex function has three configuration groups:
LLM Cortex Functions Node Properties
Property | Description |
Storage Location | Storage Location where the Table will be created |
Node Type | Name of template used to create node objects |
Description | A description of the node's purpose |
Deploy Enabled | If TRUE the node will be deployed / redeployed when changes are detected If FALSE the node will not be deployed or will be dropped during redeployment |
LLM Cortex Functions Options
Option | Description |
Create As | Provides option to choose materialization type as table |
Multi Source | True/False toggle for SQL UNIONs: - True: Multiple sources combined using Multi Source Strategy - False: Single source or join |
Truncate Before | True/False toggle: - True: INSERT OVERWRITE used - False: INSERT used to append data |
Enable tests | Toggle to enable testing features |
Pre-SQL | SQL to execute before data insert operation |
Post-SQL | SQL to execute after data insert operation |
LLM Cortex Functions Cortex Package
Option | Description |
SUMMARIZE | True/False toggle if the data from the column should be returned as a summary: - True: System prompts to add a column - False: Function remains inactive |
SENTIMENT | True/False toggle to return sentiment score (-1 to 1) for English text, with -1 being the most negative, 0 is neutral, and 1 is positive.: - True: System prompts to add a column - False: Function remains inactive |
TRANSLATE | True/False toggle to translate text: - True: System prompts to add a column - False: Function remains inactive |
EXTRACT ANSWER | True/False toggle to extract answers: - True: System prompts to add a column - False: Function remains inactive |
LLM Cortex Functions Key Points for Consideration
- Review the required privileges
- Datatype of target column for using function "Extract Answer" should be an Array
- If source data is required in the target column, duplication of column is necessary before applying a cortex function
LLM Cortex Functions Deployment
LLM Cortex Functions Initial Deployment
When deployed for the first time into an environment the LLM node will execute:
Stage | Description |
Create Table | This will execute a CREATE OR REPLACE statement and create a Table in the target environment |
LLM Cortex Functions Redeployment
After the LLM node has been deployed for the first time into a target environment, subsequent deployments may result in altering the table.
Altering the LLM Cortex Functions Tables
The following column or table changes if made in isolation or all-together will result in an ALTER statement:
- Change in table name
- Dropping existing column
- Alter Column data type
- Adding a new column
The following stages are executed:
Stage | Description |
Clone Table | Creates an internal table |
Rename Table/Alter Column/Delete Column/Add Column/Edit table description | Alter table statement executed to perform operation |
Swap cloned Table | Clone replaces main table after successful updates |
Delete Table | Drops the internal table |
LLM Cortex Functions Undeployment
If a LLM Node is deleted from a Workspace, and that Workspace is committed to Git, subsequently deployed to a higher-level environment, then the table in the target environment will be dropped.
This is executed in two stages:
Stage | Description |
Delete Table | Coalesce Internal table is dropped |
Delete Table | Target table in Snowflake is dropped |
Top Insights
The Coalesce Top Insights UDN is a versatile node that allows you to streamline and improve the process of root cause analysis around changes in observed metrics. Learn more about Top Insights.
Top Insights Node Configuration
The Top Insights node has two configuration groups:
Top Insights Node Properties
Property | Description |
Storage Location | Storage Location where the Table will be created |
Node Type | Name of template used to create node objects |
Description | A description of the node's purpose |
Deploy Enabled | If TRUE the node will be deployed / redeployed when changes are detected If FALSE the node will not be deployed or will be dropped during redeployment |
Top Insights Configuration
Option | Description |
Create As | Provides option to create a 'view' |
CATEGORICAL DIMENSIONS | (Required) Categorical attributes essential for analysis |
CONTINUOUS DIMENSIONS | (Required) Columns representing continuous aspects that vary within a range |
Metric | (Required) Column representing target metric being investigated |
Label | (Required) Column distinguishing between control (FALSE) and test (TRUE) data |
Filter Insights | Textbox to customize filtering of top insights |
Order By | True/False toggle: - True: Sort column and sort order visible and required for order by clause - False: Sort column and sort order invisible |
Top Insights Deployment
Top Insights Initial Deployment
When deployed for the first time into an environment the View node will execute:
Stage | Description |
Create or replace View | This will execute a CREATE OR REPLACE statement and create a View in the target environment |
Top Insights Redeployment
The subsequent deployment of a View node with changes in the view definition, altering options, or renaming the view results in the deletion of the existing view and the recreation of the view.
The following stages are executed:
Stage | Description |
Delete View | Removes existing view |
Create View | Creates new view with updated definition |
Top Insights Undeployment
If a View Node is removed from a Workspace, and the changes are committed to Git and deployed to a higher-level environment, the corresponding View in the target environment will be dropped.
This is executed in a single stage:
Stage | Description |
Delete View | Drops the existing View from target environment |
The Coalesce Classification is a versatile node that allows you to create a classification table and classification model to classify data into different classes using patterns detected in training data using in-built snowflake ML function CLASSIFICATION.
Classification uses machine learning algorithms to sort data into different classes using patterns detected in training data. Binary classification (two classes) and multi-class classification (more than two classes) are supported. Common use cases of classification include customer churn prediction, credit card fraud detection, and spam detection.
Classification Node Configuration
The Classification node has two configuration groups:
Classification Node Properties
Property | Description |
Storage Location | Storage Location where the Table will be created |
Node Type | Name of template used to create node objects |
Description | A description of the node's purpose |
Deploy Enabled | If TRUE the node will be deployed / redeployed when changes are detected If FALSE the node will not be deployed or will be dropped during redeployment |
Classification Model Input
Option | Description |
Model Instance Name | (Required) Name of the model that needs to be created |
Create Model | True/False toggle to determine model creation: - True: Forcefully create Classification model - False: Refer to existing Classification model |
Target Column | (Required) Column containing target values in input data |
Multi Source | Toggle to add data for analysis |
Classification Deployment
Classification Initial Deployment
When deployed for the first time into an environment the Classification node will execute:
Stage | Description |
Create Classification Table | This will execute a CREATE OR REPLACE statement and create a Classification Table in the target environment |
Classification Redeployment
After the Classification node has been deployed for the first time into a target environment, subsequent deployments may result in altering the Classification table.
Altering the Classification Tables
The following column or table changes that is made in isolation or all-together will result in an ALTER statement:
- Change in table name
- Dropping existing column
- Alter column data type
- Adding a new column
The following stages are executed:
Stage | Description |
Clone Table | Creates an internal table |
Rename Table/Alter Column/Delete Column/Add Column/Edit table description | Alter table statement executed to perform operation |
Swap cloned Table | Clone replaces main table after successful updates |
Delete Table | Drops the internal table |
Classification Undeployment
If a Classification table is deleted from a Workspace, that Workspace is committed to Git and that commit deployed to a higher level environment then the Classification Table in the target environment will be dropped.
This is executed in two stages:
Stage | Description |
Delete Table | Coalesce Internal table is dropped |
Delete Table | Target table in Snowflake is dropped |
ML Forecast Code
ML Anomaly Detection Code
LLM Cortex Functions Code
TopInsights Code
Classification Code
Available versions of the package.
Version # | Release Date | Notes |
1.1.1 | November 14, 2024 |
1.1.0 | October 07, 2024 |
1.0.1 | May 20, 2024 |
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