v5.5.0 - Makalu

✅ What's New

  • Users can now parse their XML variant data in addition to JSON data - read more here.
  • New API and CLI endpoints to access Run*, Node, and Environment metadata - read more here.
  • There’s now a coa CLI option to manually append git SHA to deployments, resulting in label in git modal [ --gitsha ]
  • UI scalability improvements when loading graph views.
  • Minor performance and UI improvements, making the app smoother and more user-friendly.
  • Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) is required and enforced for all OAuth authorizations.

  • * Run Results data from before November 2022 will not be available via the API/CLI. Support for querying those older Runs coming soon!

🐞 Bug Fixes

  • Re-sync source columns now detects modified and deleted columns, not just added ones.
  • Resolved an issue that would sometimes cause Runs to be marked failed even though they had completed successfully.
  • Fixed an issue where if a node in a deployment had an error, unrelated Nodes would also have their deployment stopped.
  • Added a scroll bar to the source section of Multi Source Nodes to better support a large number of sources.
  • Fixed a bug that could result in the application crashing when using tabularConfig items in the creation of User-defined Node Types.
  • Removed the “Results per Page” button in the Org Settings Users list, as it was not functional.
  • Fixed some bugs in the generated documentation that would occasionally lead to crashes.
  • Fixed a bug that could block updating SSO settings.
  • Many smaller fixes.