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Troubleshooting Deploys and Refreshes

You can view the results of a deploy or refresh three ways:

  • Activity Feed
  • API
  • CLI

Deploy and Refresh Status

After a deploy or refresh, you'll be able to see which nodes were run and their status.

SuccessfulThe node finished executing all stages successfully.
WaitingThe node is waiting to run.
QueuedThe node is part of the current run and is waiting execution.
RunningThe node is currently running and stages may have already been completed.
FailedThe node has finished running and encountered an error. Some stages might have completed successfully.
SkippedA step was skipped. Some stages might have completed successfully.
CanceledThe run was canceled while running. Some stages might have completed successfully.

Activity Feed

In the Deploy Interface you check the status of current or completed runs.

The feed includes:

  • Connection details
  • Parameters used
  • Details for each Node + steps for a Node
    • Snowflake query ID
    • Error messages
The Deploy Interface

In this example, you'll review a failed deployment, but this can also be applied to Refresh and Jobs.

The heading contains:

  • The phase and number of nodes that failed in that phase. In this example it's one node in the add phase. Run failure reason: RunPhasedDeploy encountered failures: delete phase - none; alter phase - none; add phase - 1
  • The status and number of nodes. In this example, 11 were successful and one failed.

The row contains:

  • The failed node. The failed node in this example is, V_Nation.

Double clicking on the error will open a new window that includes the error message and the SQL for that stage.

The error for this run is SQL compilation error: Object 'DOCS_TESTING.DEV.STG_NATION1' does not exist or not authorized.

Using the API

Use the List Run Results API to get the results of a deploy or refresh.

In this example, you'll review a failed deployment, but this can also be applied to Refresh and Jobs.

"nodeID": "97378833-0000-46bc-9582-e68ded3ae016",
"runState": "error",
"isRunning": false,
"name": "STG_ORDERS",
"queryResults": [
"endTime": "2024-07-16T15:13:19.357Z",
"error": {
"errorString": "SQL compilation error:\nDatabase 'DOCUMENTATION_SNOWFLAKE_TEST' does not exist or not authorized.",
"errorDetail": "002003"
"isRunning": false,
"name": "Delete Table",
"queryID": "01b5b591-0905-106b-0012-7b030fac7362",
"startTime": "2024-07-16T15:13:10.641Z",
"status": "Failure",
"success": false

The response is organized by nodeID. The response will contain the current status, the node name, the name of the stage that was executed, and the error message if applicable. Review the full response example for all fields.

You can see "nodeID": "97378833-0000-46bc-9582-e68ded3ae016", failed because "SQL compilation error:\nDatabase 'DOCUMENTATION_SNOWFLAKE_TEST' does not exist or not authorized.". The database, it was trying to run the stage, "name": "Delete Table" from does not exist.


Use coa runs to get the deployment status.

When deploying or refreshing using the CLI, add the --out flag to return in depth results as JSON. For example, coa deploy --out debug.json.

In this example, you'll review a failed deployment, but this can also be applied to Refresh and Jobs.

Printed to the terminal
|2024-07-18T17:00:45.155Z|[RENDERER]()|)|info:Pyodide initialization complete in 1.3305933750000003 seconds
|2024-07-18T17:00:45.159Z|[RENDERER]()|)|info:Pyodide initialization complete in 1.3246505830000004 seconds
|2024-07-18T17:00:45.198Z|[RENDERER]()|)|info:Pyodide initialization complete in 1.363098707999999 seconds
|2024-07-18T17:00:55.135Z|[CLI]|(org:alRPfzuHZouUUN0Zupc9)|(env:2)|(user:Owb7B45m0UNSL4OumkDNpcFifTA3)|run:28)()|)|error:An error occurred during Deployment: {
error: {
errorString: 'RunPhasedDeploy encountered failures: \n' +
' delete phase - 7; \n' +
' alter phase - none; \n' +
' add phase - 1\n' +
' ',
errorDetail: 'RunPhasedDeploy encountered failures: \n' +
' delete phase - e3e488cc-232f-4e7f-a266-16fe8b4dfd79,e38d8549-bfd0-4044-80ef-108ab297b431,e1e2ea88-de6e-4930-8aaa-dd5ffd1851d9,a7ee70b6-d2a3-4a59-acea-f5a0951b6981,97378833-0000-46bc-9582-e68ded3ae016,3a85b97f-6e6e-4d26-8986-8161f1dd378c,7771b0de-037f-4d9a-a1ad-22400fc0414b; \n' +
' alter phase - none; \n' +
' add phase - bde6322a-45d0-4964-9606-6a0d0a9867d5\n' +
' '

When a deploy finished it will return a status in the command line.

The errorString will tell you which nodes failed in each phase.

  • The delete phase has 7 nodes encounter errors.
  • The alter phase had no errors.
  • The add phase had 1 node encounter errors.

The errorDetail will return a list of node IDs that failed for each phase.

Using JSON Output

By adding --out to return the results as JSON, you can get a detailed error message. Here you can see the error details: SQL compilation error:\nObject 'DOCUMENTATION_DOCS_TESTING.DEV.STG_LINEITEM' does not exist or not authorized."

Using --out
"runResults": {
"runStartTime": {
"seconds": 1721322042,
"nanoseconds": 300000000
"runEndTime": {
"seconds": 1721322054,
"nanoseconds": 238000000
"runType": "deploy",
"runStatus": "failed",
"runID": 28,
"runResults": [
"nodeID": "bde6322a-45d0-4964-9606-6a0d0a9867d5",
"queryResultSequence": {
"isRunning": false,
"name": "STG_LINEITEM",
"queryResults": [
"exportedRefs": [],
"renderEndTime": {
"seconds": 1721322044,
"nanoseconds": 129000000
"type": "sql",
"fields": [],
"startTime": {
"seconds": 1721322043,
"nanoseconds": 719000000
"success": false,
"error": {
"errorDetail": "002003",
"errorString": "SQL compilation error:\nObject 'DOCUMENTATION_DOCS_TESTING.DEV.STG_LINEITEM' does not exist or not authorized."
"rows": [],
"stageExecutionStartTime": {
"seconds": 1721322051,
"nanoseconds": 791000000
"invalidExportedRefs": [],
"warehouse": null,
"queryID": "01b5c13c-0905-144e-0012-7b030fbc081a",
"isRunning": false,
"renderStartTime": {
"seconds": 1721322043,
"nanoseconds": 719000000
"stageExecutionEndTime": {
"seconds": 1721322053,
"nanoseconds": 565000000
"endTime": {
"seconds": 1721322053,
"nanoseconds": 565000000
"name": "Validating Source Exists",
"status": "Failure"
"runState": "error"

Retry From Failure

If a Job failed you can retry the Job from the point of failure. You can use the:

  • API - Use the Rerun a Job endpoint.
  • Coalesce App - You can select the Job that failed and click Retry From Failure.
  • Scheduler - You can configure scheduled Jobs to retry from beginning or from the point of failure.
A dropdown showing retry from failure in the Coalesce app

When you retry a Job from failure, in the Coalesce app, you'll be able to see the previous run details.

A page showing a retry in Coalesce with the current and previous runs.

Rollback Your Deployment

You can redeploy the commit that was deployed just prior to the deployment you wish to rollback. Learn more in Rollback a Deployment.


You can edit your pipeline, commit the changes, and redeploy to fix any errors.