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Coalesce Subprocessors

Coalesce Automation Inc. (Coalesce) uses certain subprocessors to assist it in providing its services as described in the Terms of Service (TOS). Defined terms used herein shall have the same meaning as defined in the TOS.

What is a Subprocessor?

A subprocessor is a third-party data processor engaged by Coalesce who has or potentially will have access to or process personal data on behalf of a Customer. Coalesce engages different types of subprocessors to perform various functions as explained in the table below.

SubprocessorNature of ProcessingTerritory(ies)Privacy Policy
AtlassianCustomer SupportGlobal
Amazon Web Services (AWS)HostingGlobal
EstuaryData IntegrationGlobal
FivetranData IntegrationGlobal
GongCustomer SupportGlobal (except EMEA)
GoogleEmail, Documentation, AnalyticsGlobal
Google Cloud Platform (GCP)Hosting and Data StorageGlobal
HightouchData IntegrationGlobal
PagerdutyCustomer SupportGlobal
PendoProduct Experience PlatformGlobal
RattleMessaging IntegrationGlobal
SlackMessaging IntegrationGlobal
SnowflakeHosting and Data StorageGlobal
ZendeskCustomer SupportGlobal