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Deploy and Refresh

Coalesce Scheduler

The Coalesce Scheduler is now available. Schedule refreshes directly in the app. Read more in Scheduling Jobs in Coalesce.

Understanding Deploy and Refresh

Here's how Deploy and Refresh are different.

Deploy and Create

Deploy handles structural changes to your data warehouse by:

  • Creating or modifying columns and tables
  • Executing DDL (Data Definition Language) statements
  • Performing ALTER, CREATE, and DELETE operations

Refresh and Run

Refresh handles data transformations by:

  • Running defined transformations
  • Executing DML (Data Manipulation Language) statements
  • Performing MERGE, INSERT, UPDATE, and TRUNCATE operations

Getting Started

Here are the recommended steps for getting started:

  1. Configure your Environment settings.
  2. Deploy your pipeline.
  3. Create and schedule refresh Jobs using the Coalesce Scheduler.
  4. Monitor deployment and refresh status.

Deploy and Refresh Methods

LocationDeployRefresh and Jobs
Coalesce App✔️✔️
DevOps Platform✔️✔️