Deployment Overview
Deployment creates the structural foundation of your data pipeline. When you deploy, Coalesce analyzes the differences between your current Environment and your desired configuration, then executes the necessary changes.
Once you've completed Setting Up Your Project and Building Your Pipeline, you're ready to deploy your Pipeline to your data warehouse.
Deployment Methods
You can deploy your pipeline using:
Before You Deploy
This assumes you've created your data pipeline. If you don't have one, check out the Quick Start Guide.
- Configure your Environment
- Configure your Git Integration
- Exclude Nodes from Deployment (optional)
- Set your Parameters (optional)
- You can set them on the environment level or during the deploy processes.
- Deploy your pipeline. You can use the following:
📄️ Deploy Using the CLI
This guide goes over deploying your environment using the Coalesce coa CLI tool.
📄️ Deploy Using the Coalesce App
This guide will take you through a deployment using the Coalesce application.
📄️ Excluding Nodes From Deployment
Learn how to exlude a node from deployment in Coalesce
📄️ Rollback a Deployment
How to undo a deployment in Coalesce