When To Use Copy Objects, Duplicate, or Create New Project

There are multiple options for copying data, duplicating workspaces, and creating a new project.

What HappensObjects CopiedObjects Not CopiedWhen To Use
Copy Objects from WorkspaceMakes a copy of objects in a workspace to another, existing workspace. Information. The objects don't have to be committed. Uses the same Git repo as the Project.Node, Packages, Jobs, Subgraphs, MacrosConnection Settings and Storage Location MappingsWhen you need to move information between workspaces, but don't need the storage location mappings.
Duplicate WorkspaceDuplicates an existing workspace into a new workspace. Uses the same Git repo as the Project.Anything that is part of the commit and branch you choose.Connection SettingsWhen you want to create a workspace quickly that is based on a certain commit and has the same storage location mappings as the original workspace.
Create WorkspaceCreates a new workspace. Uses the same Git repo as the Project.Anything that is part of the commit and branch you choose.Connection Settings and Storage Location MappingsWhen you want to start a new workspace and don't need the storage locations mappings or connection settings.
Create ProjectCreates a brand new project. You can either use an existing Git URL or add a brand new Git URL.None. Even if using an existing Git URL, no information is copied.N/AWant to start fresh or working on a new business initiative.

Copy from Workspace

  1. Select Copy Objects from Workspace for the workspace you want to copy.
Copying Objects

Copying Objects

  1. Select the objects you want to copy. You'll get alert if the object already exists based on the ID. You can decide to copy over an object if it already exists, the information will be overwritten.

Duplicate Settings

  1. Click Duplicate Workspace next the workspace you want to duplicate.

  1. Give the new Workspace a name.
  2. Choose the branch and commit you want the new workspace to use.

Create a New Workspace

  1. Click Create Workspace.
  1. Give the new Workspace a name.
  2. Choose the branch and commit you want the new workspace to use.

Create a New Project

  1. Make sure you are on the Projects page. If you are on the Build page , select the back arrow.
  2. Click the plus sign (+) next to Projects.
  3. Fill out the Project Details.
  4. Enter your Git repo URL.
    1. Coalesce supports many providers .
  5. Then select a Git account to use. It should be able to view and make requests to the Git repo in the previous step.
  6. If you don't a Git repo configured, then select Add New Account.
    1. Enter an account nickname. This will displayed in the interface.
    2. Enter the Git username and token.
    3. Enter the Author Name, which identifies the committer.
    4. Enter the Author Email, which identifies the committer email.
    5. Click Add.
    6. Select the Git account you just created in the drop down, then click Test Account.
  7. Once successful, click Finish.
  8. Now that you've added a Project, you need to add a Workspace .