REPLACE(string, search_string, replacement_string)
searches for a specific string pattern and replaces it with another string.
Syntax and Parameters
REPLACE(string, search_string, replacement_string)
- String - (required): The original string containing the text you want to modify
- Search String - (required): The pattern you want to find and replace
- Replacement string - (required): The string that will replace the search string
- Can be an empty string ('') to remove the search string entirely
- Case-sensitive by default
Basic Usage
Using 'Supplier#000366631'
as an example:
REPLACE('Supplier#000366631', 'Supplier#', '') -- "000366631"
REPLACE('Supplier#000366631', '#', '-') -- "Supplier-000366631"
REPLACE('Supplier#000366631', '000', 'XXX') -- "Supplier#XXX366631"
Common Use Cases
Removing prefixes:
Clean identifier fields by removing standard prefixes.
-- Basic prefix removal
REPLACE({{SRC}}, 'Supplier#', '') -- 'Supplier#000366631' → '000366631'
REPLACE({{SRC}}, 'CUST_', '') -- 'CUST_12345' → '12345'
REPLACE({{SRC}}, 'ORDER#', '') -- 'ORDER#98765' → '98765'
-- Multiple prefix possibilities
REPLACE(REPLACE({{SRC}}, 'Supplier#', ''), 'SUPP_', '')
Standardizing delimiters:
Phone numbers, dates, and other formatted fields often need delimiter standardization.
-- Phone number formatting
REPLACE({{SRC}}, '.', '-') -- '123.456.7890' to '123-456-7890'
REPLACE({{SRC}}, ' ', '-') -- '123 456 7890' to '123-456-7890'
-- Multiple delimiter cleanup
REPLACE({{SRC}}, '.', '-'),
' ', '-'
'/', '-'
-- 123.456.7890 to 123-456-7890
-- 123 456 7890 to 123-456-7890
-- 123/456/7890 to 123-456-7890
-- Date formatting
REPLACE({{SRC}}, '/', '-') -- '12/31/2023' to '12-31-2023'
Cleaning data:
Text fields can contain unwanted characters or formatting.
-- Removes line breaks
REPLACE({{SRC}}, CHAR(13), ' '),
CHAR(10), ' '
-- Removes double spaces
REPLACE({{SRC}}, ' ', ' ')
Using REPLACE in Coalesce
When using REPLACE in transforms and bulk editing, you can use Helper Tokens:
REPLACE({{SRC}}, 'Supplier#', '')
The {{SRC}}
token automatically gets replaced with the fully qualified source Node and column name. For example:
- If source column is
it becomesREPLACE("SUPPLIER"."S_NAME", 'Supplier#', '')
- If source column is
it becomesREPLACE("CUSTOMER"."C_NAME", 'Supplier#', '')