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An error occurred refreshing your OAuth refresh_token


An error occurred refreshing your OAuth refresh_token. Please ensure your OAuth Security Integration is still valid or reauthenticate

This can occur because:

  • User is deleted
  • User is disabled
  • Password change
  • Email address change


Check your Snowflake OAuth configuration. By default in the code provided in the Coalesce documentation, this is set to expire every 90 days. However, this may have been set in a shorter duration by whomever set up this security integration.

You will need a Snowflake ACCOUNTADMIN to run DESCRIBE SECURITY INTEGRATION ;in your Snowflake instances and send you the results. In the result set, take a look at the OAUTH_REFRESH_TOKEN_VALIDITY parameter. Its values are displayed in seconds. Confirm that the value set matches the amount of time you expect this token to remain valid. If not, have the ACCOUNTADMIN recreate the integration with your required value. Note, you will have to re-configure your OAuth integration in Coalesce if the security integration is recreated on the Snowflake side.