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What's My ID?

Environment ID

  • Use the List Environments endpoint to return a list of all environments.

  • In the Coalesce app, go to Build Settings > Environments.

    Environments section under Build Settings in a Coalesce interface. It lists two environments, Production with ID 2 and QA with ID 6, along with a button to create a new environment.
  • In the Coalesce app on the Deploy Page.

    Deployment history for the environments Production and QA. The Production environment, with ID 2, has a failed deploy status, while the QA environment, with ID 6, has an OK status, indicating successful deployments

Workspace ID

  • In the Coalesce app, go to Build Settings > Workspaces.
Workspace section under Build Settings in a Coalesce interface. It lists the Development workspace with ID 1.

Node ID

  • Using the List Nodes endpoint. You'll need the Environment ID.

  • Using List Run Results.

  • In the Node Editor of the Node you are editing.

     STG_CUSTOMER node in the Build Settings section, showing various column attributes like name, transform, data type, and source, with a message indicating the node is not enabled for deployment. The node ID is highlighted as 13471f9f-a043-4983-84eb-069db056cf91
  • In the Run Results for an Environment.

    Deployment results for Run ID 17 in the QA environment. The STG_CUSTOMER node with the same node ID 13471f9f-a043-4983-84eb-069db056cf91 has completed successfully, with details like job name, start and end times, and stage status

Run ID

  • Using the List Runs endpoint.

  • In the Run Results for an Environment.

    Deployment details for Run ID 17, summarizing the job name, type, triggered by, start and end times, and duration. The successful completion of the deployment is highlighted, with the same node ID for STG_CUSTOMER indicated

Org ID

  • Go to your user profile in Coalesce and click on Support Information.
The Coalesce support information screen