Snowflake Username and Password
Basic Auth is the fastest way to connect your target database platform to Coalesce, and the credential can be stored either in your local browser's storage (not recommended) or in Coalesce's cloud secrets vault.
Select the Project you want to create the Workspace in.
Click Create Workspace.
Give your Workspace a Name and Description(optional).
Enter your Snowflake Account URL.
Obtain your Snowflake URL, by opening the account selector in Snowflake.
Add your username and password. If authentication fails the first time, add in your Role and Warehouse then try again.
Workspaces let you work on a branch. You will need to select a branch and commit to make a new branch. For example, if you want to create a branch off main, select main, then select the commit in main to create your branch from.
Next, add Storage Locations and Storage Mappings to your Workspace. If you have any existing Storage Locations and Storage Mappings from Git, they will be listed here.
Click Create Workspace. You've just created your Workspace. Get started by adding some data.