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Migrating Work Between Coalesce Accounts

Coalesce leverages Git to store and version control your work, which makes migrating work between Coalesce accounts simple and easy.

Let's work with an example scenario where you have a Project in Account A that you wish to migrate to Account B. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you achieve this:

Account Migration Steps

  1. Create a New Project: Begin by creating a new Project and associated Workspace for the Project you intend to migrate from Account A.

  2. Link to Git Repository: Associate this new Project with the Git repository that contains the Project from Account A.

  3. Reconfigure Your Essential Settings: For security reasons, certain Coalesce configurations aren't stored in Git. Ensure you:

    • Reset your Git credentials.
    • Re-establish your Snowflake connection.
    • Update your Storage Mappings.
  4. Optional - Paring Down Objects: If your Git repository has more content than the specific Project you're looking to migrate, you can refine the objects with the following steps:

    a. Merging with an Existing Project:

    • Hover over the "..." next to your Project/Workspace created in Step 1.
    • Choose "Copy Objects from Workspace."
    • Find and select the Project and Workspace you wish to combine with the Project you're migrating.
    • Choose all the relevant objects and click "Copy."

    b. Starting Afresh without Merging:

    • Initiate an additional new Project and Workspace in Account B.
    • Link this new project to a fresh Git repository.
    • Hover over the "..." adjacent to your Project/Workspace from Step 1.
    • Choose "Copy Objects from Workspace."
    • Locate and select the Project and Workspace where you want to integrate your migrated project.
    • Choose only the objects you wish to bring into your fresh Project and click "Copy."

Post-migration Steps in Account A

After successfully migrating your Project, if you desire to delete the Project or certain objects from Account A, you have can do so.