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JSON Parsing

Open up any non-source node, right-click on the column, and select Derive JSON mappings.

Derive JSON mappings will recursively:

  • Create a column in the mapping grid for every primitive type (string, number, boolean, and null) within the object with the appropriate transform to parse that value.
  • Flatten every JSON array using a table function in the Join Tab.
JSON parsing menu

Setting JSON Sample Size

By default, the JSON parser captures only one record of the variant column. To scan for variation in the JSON shape across entries, the parser sample size (applies to both JSON and XML) can be increased via User Menu → Org Settings > Preferences. This preference is stored organization wide.

This number affects the number of rows we will attempt to scan for variances in JSON shape. Coalesce uses Snowflake's table sample to construct a sample of data. This is a sample of what is queried:

SELECT /* variant_column_name */ FROM /* fully qualified table */ SAMPLE ( /* sample size */ ROWS)
Sample Size Limit

If a user enters a sample size larger than the number of rows in the data, all the rows in the data will be scanned for structure.

JSON parser sample size

Data Type Mapping JSON

When the JSON parser scans for variances in JSON shape, a mapping occurs to convert JSON data types to the appropriate corresponding Snowflake data type.

JSON Data TypeJSON Data Type DescriptionSnowflake Data Type
NumberDouble-precision floating typeDouble
StringDouble-quoted Unicode with backslash escapingString
BooleanTrue or FalseBoolean
ArrayAn ordered sequence of valuesFlattens compound values into multiple rows
ObjectAn unordered collection of key:value pairsExplodes compound values into multiple columns
Coalesce Versions < 5.4

Prior to Coalesce version 5.4, JSON Numbers were mapped to Snowflake NUMBER(38,0), resulting in truncation of decimal places and converting them to integers.

XML Parsing (Beta Feature)

Open up any non-source node, right-click on the variant column, and select Derive Mappings > From XML.

Derive XML mappings will recursively:

  • Create a column in the mapping grid for every element and every attribute within the XML with the appropriate transform to parse that value.
  • Flatten any XML sibling elements using a function in the Join Tab
Derive XML mappings

Setting XML Sample Size

By default, the XML parser captures only one record of the variant column. To scan for variation in the XML shape across entries, the parser sample size can be increased via User Menu → Org Settings → Preferences. The parser sample size selected here applies to both JSON and XML and is used org-wide.

This number affects the number of rows we will attempt to scan for variances in XML shape. Coalesce uses Snowflake's table sample to construct a sample of data. This is a sample of what is queried:

SELECT /* variant_column_name */ FROM /* fully qualified table */ SAMPLE ( /* sample size */ ROWS)
Sample Size Limit

If a user enters a sample size larger than the number of rows in the data, all the rows in the data will be scanned for structure.

XML parser sample size
Snowflake Data Types

When the XML parser scans for variances in XML shape, all values in the XML are converted to Snowflake strings.