How To Build Your Data Pipelines
Use these how to guides to help you build your Coalesce integration.
📄️ Include Multiple SQL Statements in the Override SQL Part of a View Node
When working with SQL views in your database management system, you might encounter situations where you need to include multiple SQL statements in the override SQL part of a view node.
📄️ Use Snowflake User Defined Functions (UDF)
Snowflake User Defined Functions (UDF) are supported in Coalesce similarly to other transforms within a node.
📄️ Filter Node Output with SELECT Statements
When creating data flows in Coalesce, it's common to need to filter or limit data from an upstream node before passing it downstream. For example, selecting only the latest records or a subset of columns.
📄️ Use the Coalesce Test Stage Macro
Learn how to use the test macro to create custom testing nodes.
📄️ Fix Un-Linked References in Sub-Graphs in Coalesce
In this short article we will resolve a common issue, that is unresolved visual references to nodes when referencing objects in Sub-Graphs.
📄️ Load DISTINCT Values Into a Node
To load DISTINCT values into a node, you can use a View node.
📄️ Preserving Column Lineage When Using SQL Statements
When using SQL statements involving multiple columns in Coalesce, we recommend using qualified column names, including the node name.
📄️ Self-Join a Coalesce Node to Itself
Some description
📄️ How to use GROUP BY
GROUP BY is completed in Coalesce by adding your GROUP BY clause after the FROM statement, as well as after any other precursor statements like JOINs and/or a WHERE clause, in the Join tab of your Node Editor of the Node where you will complete the GROUP BY.
📄️ Migrate a CTE to Coalesce
In this article, we dig deeper into the approach with a step by step example detailing how to migrate a CTE to a pipeline in Coalesce.