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Join Templates

The Coalesce platform generates a Join string by default when a node is initialized or when a user triggers a Generate Join. This uses the dependencies of the node to generate a generic JOIN string using INNER JOIN. However, for more complex use cases, users may wish to customize the behavior by using a Join Template that generates the JOIN string based on the metadata of the node.

Working With Refs

To ensure that Coalesce captures dependencies from the compiled Join string, the ref syntax must be left un-rendered as part of the Join Template. This presents a challenge since we need to render part of the Jinja, but exclude the ref. To address this challenge, the Join template will only render to a depth of 1, which is inconsistent with other Jinja templates found elsewhere in the app that recursively render Jinja until no Jinja is left.

The following macros can be utilized to render un-rendered ref calls. To use these macros they must be added to your Workspace under Build Settings > Macros.

{%- macro ref_raw(location_name, node_name) -%}
{% raw %}{{ ref('{% endraw %}{{ location_name }}{% raw %}', '{% endraw %}{{ node_name }}{% raw %}') }}{% endraw %}
{%- endmacro -%}

{%- macro ref_no_link_raw(location_name, node_name) -%}
{% raw %}{{ ref_no_link('{% endraw %}{{ location_name }}{% raw %}', '{% endraw %}{{ node_name }}{% raw %}') }}{% endraw %}
{%- endmacro -%}

{%- macro ref_link_raw(location_name, node_name) -%}
{% raw %}{{ ref_link('{% endraw %}{{ location_name }}{% raw %}', '{% endraw %}{{ node_name }}{% raw %}') }}{% endraw %}
{%- endmacro -%}

Here's an example of using ref_raw to generate a very simple Join string using the Join Template.

capitalized: 'My Node Name'
short: 'MNN'
plural: 'My Node Names'
tagColor: '#FF5A5F'

joinTemplate: |
{%- for dep in sources[0].dependencies -%}
{%- if loop.first %} FROM {% endif -%}
{%- if not loop.first %}LEFT JOIN {% endif -%}
{{- ref_raw(, }} {{ }}
{% if not loop.first %} ON {{ sources[0].dependencies[loop.index0] }}./*COLUMN*/ = {{ sources[0].dependencies[loop.index0 - 1] }}./*COLUMN*/ {%- endif %}
{% endfor -%}


Stage-Based Templates

Node Type templates typically generate one or many SQL execution queries, which Coalesce refers to as Stages. Stages allow Coalesce to run multiple queries against the data warehouse while providing additional runtime behavior and tracking metrics about individual SQL executions.

For example, you may decide to output a TRUNCATE and a MERGE statements as individual stages, using Jinja to render stages at the appropriate time conditionally.

Coalesce then reads the stage output and executes each of the stages one by one, tracking each statement's progress and data results.

A Stage only needs to be declared at the beginning of the query. A Stage ends either at the beginning of the next declared Stage or at the end of the template.

To declare a Stage, use the following syntax. {{ stage('My Stage Name') }}