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Node Definition Reference

Node configuration options determine the behavior of an individual node.

Node Definition Example
capitalized: 'My Node Name'                      # Common Name (string, required)
short: 'MNN' # Node prefix. A '_' delimiter will be added automatically. (string, required)
plural: 'My Node Names' # plural name of common name (string, required)
tagColor: '#FF5A5F' # Node color. CSS colors or hex colors (string, required)
deployStrategy: default # Deployment strategy - see separate article for details.
isColumnResyncEnabled: true # Allow non-source columns to be resynced.

config: # Array of the following config items
- groupName: 'Core UI Elements' # Name of config group (string, required)
description: 'Core UI Elements' # Description of group. Displayed in the GUI (string)
enableIf: 'true' # If true, display this config group, else hide this config group.
# Jinja expression resulting in a quoted boolean may be used for dynamic behavior
# (boolean string, 'true' | 'false', defaults 'true')

items: # This will be followed by all your config items/UI elements for the given group (array, required)

## Core UI Elements ##
- type: businessKeyColumns # Selector for business key columns
displayName: 'Business Key' # displayName for type businessKeyColumns (cannot be modified by user)
attributeName: 'isBusinessKey' # attributeName for type businessKeyColumns (cannot be modified by user)
isRequired: false # Require input from user for this config element (boolean, defaults false)
enableIf: 'true' # If true, display this element, else hide this element.
# Jinja expression resulting in a quoted boolean may be used for dynamic behavior
# (boolean string, 'true' | 'false', defaults 'true')

- type: materializationSelector # Dropdown selector for materialization options
default: 'table' # Default selection (string)
options: # Materialization options allowed for this node. (array of strings 'table' | 'view')
- 'table'
- 'view'
isRequired: false # If a config item is required (boolean, defaults false)
enableIf: 'true' # If true, display this element, else hide this element.
# Jinja expression resulting in a quoted boolean may be used for dynamic behavior
# (boolean string, 'true' | 'false', defaults 'true')

- type: multisourceToggle
displayName: 'Multi Source' # displayName for type multisourceToggle (cannot be modified by user)
attributeName: 'node.isMultisource' # attributeName for type multisourceToggle (cannot be modified by user)
enableIf: 'true' # If true, display this element, else hide this element.
# Jinja expression resulting in a quoted boolean may be used for dynamic behavior
# (boolean string, 'true' | 'false', defaults 'true')

- type: overrideSQLToggle # Enables GUI input for DDL SQL
displayName: 'Override Create SQL' # displayName for type overrideSQLToggle (cannot be modified by user)
attributeName: 'node.override.create' # attributeName for type overrideSQLToggle (cannot be modified by user)
enableIf: 'true' # If true, display this element, else hide this element.
# Jinja expression resulting in a quoted boolean may be used for dynamic behavior
# (boolean string, 'true' | 'false', defaults 'true')

- type: changeTrackingColumns # Selector for change tracking columns
displayName: 'Change Tracking' # displayName for type changeTrackingColumns (cannot be modified by user)
attributeName: 'isChangeTracking' # attributeName for type changeTrackingColumns (cannot be modified by user)
isRequired: false # If a config item is required (boolean, defaults false)
enableIf: 'true' # If true, display this element, else hide this element.
# Jinja expression resulting in a quoted boolean may be used for dynamic behavior
# (boolean string, 'true' | 'false', defaults 'true')

- groupName: 'User-defined UI Elements' # Name of config group (string, required)
description: 'User-defined UI Elements' # Description of group. Displayed in the GUI (string)
enableIf: 'true' # If true, display this config group, else hide this config group
# Jinja expression resulting in a quoted boolean may be used for dynamic behavior
# (boolean string, 'true' | 'false', defaults 'true')
items: # This will be followed by all your config items/UI elements for the given group (array, required)

# User-defined UI Elements
- type: toggleButton # Toggle button
displayName: 'My Button' # GUI display name (string, required)
attributeName: 'button' # Name of element used in templates (string, required)
enableIf: 'true' # If true, display this element, else hide this element.
# Jinja expression resulting in a quoted boolean may be used for dynamic behavior
# (boolean string, 'true' | 'false', defaults 'true')

- type: dropdownSelector # Dropdown of options
displayName: 'My Dropdown Selector' # GUI display name (string, required)
attributeName: 'dropdown' # Name of element used in templates (string, required)
default: 'option 1' # Default selection (string)
options: # Dropdown options (array of strings, required)
- 'option 1'
- 'option 2'
isRequired: false # If a config item is required (boolean, defaults false)
enableIf: 'true' # If true, display this element, else hide this element.
# Jinja expression resulting in a quoted boolean may be used for dynamic behavior
# (boolean string, 'true' | 'false', defaults 'true')

- type: columnSelector # Transfer config element for selecting multiple columns from the mapping grid
displayName: 'My Multi Column Selector' # GUI display name (string, required)
attributeName: 'columnSelector' # Name of element used in templates (string, required)
isRequired: false # If a config item is required (boolean, defaults false)
enableIf: 'true' # If true, display this element, else hide this element.
# Jinja expression resulting in a quoted boolean may be used for dynamic behavior
# (boolean string, 'true' | 'false', defaults 'true')

- type: textBox # Generic textbox
displayName: 'My Textbox' # GUI display name (string, required)
attributeName: 'textbox' # Name of element used in templates (string, required)
syntax: 'none' # Syntax highlighting in text box (string, defaults 'none', 'none' | 'sql')
isRequired: false # If a config item is required (boolean, defaults false)
enableIf: 'true' # If true, display this element, else hide this element.
# Jinja expression resulting in a quoted boolean may be used for dynamic behavior
# (boolean string, 'true' | 'false', defaults 'true')

- type: tabular # Tabular config option. Combines multiple config elements into a single table-like structure
displayName: 'My Tabular Config' # GUI display name (string, required)
attributeName: 'myTabularConfig' # Name of element used in templates (string, required)
columns: # Array of config element types
# (array, toggleButton | dropdownSelector | columnDropdownSelector | textBox, required)
- type: toggleButton # Toggle button
displayName: 'My Button' # GUI display name (string, required)
attributeName: 'tabToggleButton' # Name of element used in templates (string, required)
enableIf: 'true' # If true, display this element, else hide this element.
# Jinja expression resulting in a quoted boolean may be used for dynamic behavior
# (boolean string, 'true' | 'false', defaults 'true')

- type: dropdownSelector # Dropdown of options
displayName: 'My Dropdown Selector' # GUI display name (string, required)
attributeName: 'tabDropdown' # Name of element used in templates (string, required)
default: 'option 1' # Default selection (string)
options: # Dropdown options (array of strings, required)
- 'option 1'
- 'option 2'
isRequired: false # If a config item is required (boolean, defaults false)
enableIf: 'true' # If true, display this element, else hide this element.
# Jinja expression resulting in a quoted boolean may be used for dynamic behavior
# (boolean string, 'true' | 'false', defaults 'true')

- type: textBox # Generic textbox
displayName: 'My Textbox' # GUI display name (string, required)
attributeName: 'tabTextbox' # Name of element used in templates (string, required)
syntax: 'none' # Syntax highlighting in text box (string, defaults 'none', 'none' | 'sql')
isRequired: false # If a config item is required (boolean, defaults false)
enableIf: 'true' # If true, display this element, else hide this element.
# Jinja expression resulting in a quoted booelan may be used for dynamic behavior
# (boolean string, 'true' | 'false', defaults 'true')

isRequired: false # If a config item is required (boolean, defaults false)
enableIf: 'true' # If true, display this element, else hide this element.
# Jinja expression resulting in a quoted booelan may be used for dynamic behavior
# (boolean string, 'true' | 'false', defaults 'true')

- groupName: 'Customizable Core UI Elements' # Name of config group (string, required)
description: 'Customizable Core UI Elements' # Description of group. Displayed in the GUI (string)
enableIf: 'true' # If true, display this config group, else hide this config group.
# Jinja expression resulting in a quoted boolean may be used for dynamic behavior
# (boolean string, 'true' | 'false', defaults 'true')
items: # This will be followed by all your config items/UI elements for the given group (array, required)

## Customizable Core UI Elements ##
- type: dropdownSelector # Select the insert strategy for multisource nodes. Leveraged by Coalesce default Node Types
displayName: 'Multisource Strategy' # Config element name (string, required)
attributeName: 'insertStrategy' # Name of element used in templates (string, required)
default: 'INSERT' # Default selection (string)
options: # Dropdown options (array of strings, required)

isRequired: false # If a config item is required (boolean, defaults false)
enableIf: 'true' # If true, display this element, else hide this element.
# Jinja expression resulting in a quoted boolean may be used for dynamic behavior
# (boolean string, 'true' | 'false', defaults 'true')

- type: toggleButton # Enable or disable truncate before running. Leveraged by Coalesce default Stage Node Type
displayName: 'Truncate Before' # GUI display name (string, required)
attributeName: 'truncateBefore' # Name of element used in templates (string, required)
enableIf: 'true' # If true, display this element, else hide this element.
# Jinja expression resulting in a quoted boolean may be used for dynamic behavior
# (boolean string, 'true' | 'false', defaults 'true')

- type: toggleButton # Enable tests to be run. Leveraged by Coalesce default Node Types
displayName: 'Enable Tests' # GUI display name (string, required)
attributeName: 'testsEnabled' # Name of element used in templates (string, required)
default: true # Element default state (boolean)
enableIf: 'true' # If true, display this element, else hide this element.
# Jinja expression resulting in a quoted boolean may be used for dynamic behavior
# (boolean string, 'true' | 'false', defaults 'true')

- type: textBox # SQL to be executed before run
displayName: 'Pre-SQL' # GUI display name (string, required)
attributeName: 'preSQL' # Name of element used in templates (string, required)
syntax: 'sql' # Syntax highlighting in text box (string, defaults 'none', 'none' | 'sql')
isRequired: false # If a config item is required (boolean, defaults false)
enableIf: 'true' # If true, display this element, else hide this element.
# Jinja expression resulting in a quoted boolean may be used for dynamic behavior
# (boolean string, 'true' | 'false', defaults 'true')

- type: textBox # SQL to be executed after run
displayName: 'Post-SQL' # GUI display name (string, required)
attributeName: 'postSQL' # Name of element used in templates (string, required)
syntax: 'sql' # Syntax highlighting in text box (string, defaults 'none', 'none' | 'sql')
isRequired: false # If a config item is required (boolean, defaults false)
enableIf: 'true' # If true, display this element, else hide this element.
# Jinja expression resulting in a quoted boolean may be used for dynamic behavior
# (boolean string, 'true' | 'false', defaults 'true')

systemColumns: # Additional columns (rows in mapping grid) to initialize the node with (array of columns objects)
- displayName: 'SYSTEM_COLUMN_1' # Column display name (string, required)
# '{{NODE_NAME}}' token can be used in the displayName to reference the name of the current node
attributeName: 'systemColumn1' # Name of element used in templates (string, required)
transform: '1' # Initialized transform value of system column (string, required)
dataType: 'NUMBER' # SQL data type (string, required)
placement: 'beginning' # Determines placement of system column in relation to normal columns. (string, 'beginning' | 'end')

mappingColumns: # Adds additional columns to the mapping grid for additional metadata per node-column
- type: textBox # Generic textbox in mapping grid
headerName: 'My Header' # GUI display name (string, required)
attributeName: 'myMappingColumn' # Name of element used in templates (string, required)
Node config tab

Node Properties

LocationLogical storage location representing the database and schema which are mapped in the Workspace/Environment's Storage Mappings.String
Node TypeThe name of the type of node. This could be user-defined or a core option.String
DescriptionDescription text about this specific node.String
Deploy EnabledThis toggle determines if a node will be included in a deployment. By default, all nodes in a workspace are included in a deployment, this allows changing that behaviorBoolean
Disabling Deploy

If a Node exists on the target environment and deploy is disabled, the next deployment will cause that node's table to be dropped.

Re-Sync Non Source Columns

isColumnResyncEnabled: true

When set to true for a node, it enables a "Re-Sync Columns" button in the top-right corner of the Node’s mapping grid. It allows users to refresh column definitions.

  • If a user deletes the columns in the mapping grid, then clicks "Re-Sync Columns," they will be prompted to add the deleted columns.
  • If a user deletes a column in their data platform, then tries to re-sync the columns, they will be asked to delete the columns that were removed in the data platform.

Multi source nodes will not display the "Re-Sync Columns" button, even if the flag is enabled.

Core UI Elements

Core UI elements can't be edited or customized, but they can be combined with customizable elements for more functionality.

Materialization Selector or Create As

Determines if the Node will be materialized as a table or as a view. This influences how Coalesce will deploy and refresh this node.

- groupName: 'My Config Group'
- type: materializationSelector
default: table
- table
- view
isRequired: false
enableIf: 'true'
displayNameThe display name can't be changed. It will show as Create As. This field is read-only and doesn't need to be included in the configuration.String
attributeNamenode.materializationType. This field is read-only. The name used to access the data in this attribute.String
isRequiredIf this is required.Boolean
defaultThe default selection. table or viewBoolean
optionsOnly table or view are valid unless using advancedDeployment strategies.Object
enableIfIf true, display this config group, else hide this config group. Jinja expressions can be used in a quoted boolean for dynamic behavior. For example. (boolean string, 'true' | 'false', defaults 'true'\)String
Materialization selector showing a dropdown menu labeled Create As with options for table and view, alongside expandable sections for Node Properties and Options

Multi-Source Toggle

Toggle that allows a Node to accept data from multiple sources by virtue of a SQL union, union all, or individual inserts. When this toggle is true, the mapping grid will allow for multiple source columns to be mapped to a single column in this Node. Combine the Multi-Source toggle with Multi-Source Strategy dropdown.

- groupName: 'My Config Group'
- type: multisourceToggle
enableIf: 'true'
displayNameThe display name can't be changed. It will show as Multi Source. This field is read-only and doesn't need to be included in the configuration.String
attributeNamenode.isMultisource. This field is read-only. The attribute name is used to access the data in this attribute.String
enableIfIf true, display this config group, else hide this config group. Jinja expressions can be used in a quoted boolean for dynamic behavior. For example. (boolean string, 'true' | 'false', defaults 'true'\)String
Coalesce Node Editor showing STG_NATION configuration with column definitions and a settings panel containing a Multi Source toggle

View DDL Override or Override Create SQL Toggle

This option is used when the materializationType is view. Override Create SQL allows a user to override the DDL of a view, enabling greater flexibility in view creation. This option enables a text box in the GUI for the user to write a custom view DDL. Jinja templating is supported in this text box using all of the Node's metadata.

- groupName: 'My Config Group'
- type: overrideSQLToggle
enableIf: "{% if node.materializationType == 'view' %} true {% else %} false {% endif %}"
displayNameThe display name can't be changed. It will show as Multi Source. This field is read-only and doesn't need to be included in the configuration.String
attributeNamenode.override.create.enabled. This field is read-only. The attribute name is used to access the data in this attribute.String
enableIf{% if node.materializationType == 'view' %} true {% else %} false {% endif %}String
Coalesce Node Editor override create sql selected and new Create SQL tab created.

Business Key Selector

Selector that allows the user to specify the business or primary key columns in the Node. It will appear on column-level metadata.

- groupName: 'My Config Group'
- type: businessKeyColumns
isRequired: true
enableIf: 'true'
displayNameThe display name can't be changed. It will show as Business Key. This field is read-only and doesn't need to be included in the configuration.String
attributeNameisBusinessKey. This field is read-only. The attribute name is to access the data in this attribute.String
isRequiredIf the configuration is required.Boolean
enableIfIf true, display this config group, else hide this config group. Jinja expressions can be used in a quoted boolean for dynamic behavior. For example. (boolean string, 'true' | 'false', defaults 'true'\)String
Coalesce Node Editor showing two columns for business keys. One with the list of rows and the other with the list of selected keys.

Change Tracking Selector

Selector that allows the user to specify the columns for which change tracking should be enabled. Typically this is used for slowly changing dimensions, but can be used for other applications.

- groupName: 'My Config Group'
- type: changeTrackingColumns
isRequired: true
enableIf: 'true'
displayNameThe display name can't be changed. It will show as Change Tracking. This field is read-only and doesn't need to be included in the configuration.String
attributeNameisChangeTracking. This field is read-only. The attribute name is to access the data in this attribute.String
isRequiredIf the configuration is required.Boolean
enableIfIf true, display this config group, else hide this config group. Jinja expressions can be used in a quoted boolean for dynamic behavior. For example. (boolean string, 'true' | 'false', defaults 'true'\)String
Coalesce Node Editor showing two columns for change tracking. One with the list of rows and the other with the list of selected rows.

Customizable Core UI Elements

Customizable core UI elements are generic elements that Coalesce uses in our Node Types. These can be customized by altering the displayName and attributeName.

Multi-Source Strategy Dropdown Selector

This is a dropdown selector that provides a choice of 3 strategies for combining multiple data sources. This is used when multisourceToggle is enabled.

- groupName: 'My Config Group'
- type: dropdownSelector
displayName: Multisource Strategy
attributeName: insertStrategy
default: INSERT
isRequired: true
enableIf: 'true'
displayNameName of the dropdown selector. Multisource StrategyString
attributeNameinsertStrategy. This is name that will show in the Node metadata and the name you'll use writing code.String
defaultINSERT The default selection.String
optionsINSERT, UNION, UNION ALL Options for the dropdownString
isRequiredIf the configuration is required.Boolean
enableIfIf true, display this config group, else hide this config group. Jinja expressions can be used in a quoted boolean for dynamic behavior. For example. (boolean string, 'true' | 'false', defaults 'true'\)String
A form section showing 'Multi Source' with a toggle switch, followed by 'Multisource Strategy' dropdown menu. The dropdown is expanded to show three options: 'INSERT', 'UNION', and 'UNION ALL'. Below are two search boxes with magnifying glass icons, separated by a right arrow symbol. Required fields are marked with red asterisks (*). The interface uses a clean, modern design with blue accents.

Truncate Before Toggle

This is a toggle button that determines if the data will be truncated before running this Node's INSERT script.

- groupName: 'My Config Group'
- displayName: Truncate Before
attributeName: truncateBefore
type: toggleButton
default: true
enableIf: 'true'
displayNameName of the toggle. Truncate BeforeString
attributeNametruncateBefore. This is name that will show in the Node metadata and the name you'll use writing code.String
defaulttrue The default selection.String
enableIfIf true, display this config group, else hide this config group. Jinja expressions can be used in a quoted boolean for dynamic behavior. For example. (boolean string, 'true' | 'false', defaults 'true'\)String
A toggle with the label Truncate Before.

Enable Tests Toggle

This toggle determines if user created tests will be run as part of the Node's script. This does not remove Testing from the Node. Users can still enter in testing information, they won't be run in the script.

- groupName: 'My Config Group'
- type: toggleButton
displayName: Enable Tests
attributeName: testsEnabled
default: true
enableIf: 'true'
displayNameName of the toggle. Enable TestsString
attributeNametestsEnabled. This is name that will show in the Node metadata and the name you'll use writing code.String
defaulttrue The default selection.String
enableIfIf true, display this config group, else hide this config group. Jinja expressions can be used in a quoted boolean for dynamic behavior. For example. (boolean string, 'true' | 'false', defaults 'true'\)String
A toggle with the label TEnable Tests.

Pre and Post SQL Text Boxes

SQL text boxes that run before or after of the main DML operation.

preSQL and postSQL
- groupName: 'My Config Group'
- displayName: Pre-SQL
attributeName: preSQL
type: textBox
syntax: sql
isRequired: false
enableIf: 'true'

- displayName: Post-SQL
attributeName: postSQL
type: textBox
syntax: sql
isRequired: false
enableIf: 'true'
displayNameName of the toggle. Pre-SQL and Post-SQLString
attributeNamepreSQL, postSQL. This is name that will show in the Node metadata and the name you'll use writing code.String
syntaxsql only. The syntax highlighting in text box.String
isRequiredIf this attribute is required.Boolean
enableIfIf true, display this config group, else hide this config group. Jinja expressions can be used in a quoted boolean for dynamic behavior. For example. (boolean string, 'true' | 'false', defaults 'true'\)String
Two text boxes stacked. The top box is labeled Pre-SQL and the bottom box is labeled Post-SQL.

Generic UI Elements

Below is a comprehensive list of all user-defined items and their possible attributes. These are highly customizable, using both YAML either Jinja2.

Toggle Button

Defines a toggle button and its options for the node type. The metadata can be referenced in the config object using the attributeName.

- groupName: 'My Config Group'
- type: toggleButton
displayName: My Button
attributeName: myButton
isRequired: true
enableIf: 'true'
displayNameName of the toggle.String
attributeNameA custom name. This is name that will show in the Node metadata and the name you'll use writing code.String
isRequiredIf this attribute is required.Boolean
enableIfIf true, display this config group, else hide this config group. Jinja expressions can be used in a quoted boolean for dynamic behavior. For example. (boolean string, 'true' | 'false', defaults 'true'\)String
Coalesce Node Type Editor with a sidebar menu. At the top is a 'Config' header with an icon. Below are several expandable sections: 'Node Properties' (collapsed), 'My Config Group' (expanded), 'Options' (collapsed), and 'Dropdown Selector Example' (collapsed). Within the 'My Config Group' section is a toggle switch labeled 'My Button' marked with a red asterisk (*) indicating it's required.

Defines a dropdown selector and its options for the node type. The metadata can be referenced in the config object using the attributeName.

- groupName: 'My Config Group'
- type: dropdownSelector
displayName: My Dropdown Selector
attributeName: myDropdown
default: option1
- option1
- option2
isRequired: true
enableIf: 'true'
displayNameName of the dropdown selector.String
attributeNameA custom name. This is name that will show in the Node metadata and the name you'll use writing code.String
defaultThe default selectionString
optionsThe available dropdown optionsString
isRequiredIf this attribute is required.Boolean
enableIfIf true, display this config group, else hide this config group. Jinja expressions can be used in a quoted boolean for dynamic behavior. For example. (boolean string, 'true' | 'false', defaults 'true'\)String
The Coalesce Node Type Editor showing a 'Config' header and icon at the top. The navigation menu shows four sections: 'Node Properties' (collapsed), 'My Config Group' (collapsed), 'Options' (collapsed), and 'Dropdown Selector Example' (expanded). Within the expanded section is a dropdown field labeled 'My Dropdown Selector' marked with a red asterisk (*). The dropdown menu is open showing two options: 'option1' and 'option2'

Column Dropdown Selector

Defines a dropdown selector using that Node's columns and its options for the Node type. The metadata can be referenced in the config object using the attributeName.

- groupName: 'My Config Group'
- type: columnDropdownSelector
displayName: Column Name
attributeName: myColumnDropdown
isRequired: true
enableIf: 'true'

displayNameName of the column selector.String
attributeNameA custom name. This is name that will show in the Node metadata and the name you'll use writing code.String
isRequiredIf this attribute is required.Boolean
enableIfIf true, display this config group, else hide this config group. Jinja expressions can be used in a quoted boolean for dynamic behavior. For example. (boolean string, 'true' | 'false', defaults 'true'\)String
The Coalesce Node Type Editor displays a 'Config' header with a connected nodes icon. The navigation menu shows 'Node Properties' (collapsed) and 'My Config Group' (expanded). Within the expanded section is a searchable dropdown field labeled 'Column Name' marked with a red asterisk (*). The dropdown is open revealing database column options in a list: DIM_CUSTOMER1_KEY, C_CUSTKEY, C_NAME, C_ADDRESS, C_NATIONKEY, C_PHONE, C_ACCTBAL, and C_MKTSEGMENT. A search icon appears in the dropdown input field.

Tabular Configuration Component

A tabular structure for collecting metadata. Each column in the component can be one of several types including:

  • dropdownSelector
  • toggleButton
  • columnDropdownSelector
  • textBox
  • columnSelector

The metadata can be referenced in the config object using the attributeName.

- groupName: 'My Config Group'
- type: tabular
displayName: My Tabular Config
attributeName: myTabularConfig
isRequired: false
enableIf: 'true'

- type: dropdownSelector
displayName: My Dropdown Selector
attributeName: myDropdown
- option1
- option2
isRequired: false
enableIf: 'true'

- type: toggleButton
displayName: My Toggle Button 2
attributeName: myToggleButton2
isRequired: false
enableIf: 'true'

- type: columnDropdownSelector
displayName: Column Name
attributeName: myColumnDropdown
isRequired: true
enableIf: 'true'

- type: textBox
displayName: My Textbox
attributeName: myTextbox
syntax: sql
isRequired: true
enableIf: 'true'

- type: columnSelector
displayName: My Column Selector
attributeName: myColumnSelector
isRequired: true
enableIf: 'true'

displayNameName of the tabular config.String
attributeNameA custom name. This is name that will show in the Node metadata and the name you'll use writing code.String
isRequiredIf this attribute is required.Boolean
enableIfIf true, display this config group, else hide this config group. Jinja expressions can be used in a quoted boolean for dynamic behavior. For example. (boolean string, 'true' | 'false', defaults 'true'\)String
The Coalesce Node Type Editor shows an expanded 'My Config Group' section containing a tabular configuration panel labeled 'My Tabular Config'. The panel has three columns: 'My Dropdown Selector', 'My Toggle Button 2', and 'Column Name' (marked with a red asterisk). Each column contains configuration controls - a dropdown menu, a toggle switch, and another dropdown respectively. On the left is a drag handle icon and on the right is a delete button. Below the table is an 'Add New Row' button with a plus icon.

Column Selector

Defines a column selector transfer component. The metadata can be referenced at the column-level using the attributeName.

- groupName: 'My Config Group'
- type: columnSelector
displayName: My Column Selector
attributeName: myColumnSelector
isRequired: true
enableIf: 'true'
displayNameName of the columnSelector config.String
attributeNameA custom name. This is name that will show in the Node metadata and the name you'll use writing code.String
isRequiredIf this attribute is required.Boolean
enableIfIf true, display this config group, else hide this config group. Jinja expressions can be used in a quoted boolean for dynamic behavior. For example. (boolean string, 'true' | 'false', defaults 'true'\)String
The Coalesce Node Type Editor displays an expanded 'My Config Group' section featuring a 'My Column Selector' field marked with a red asterisk (*). Below are two selection panels side by side with an 'Expand' button in the top right. The left panel shows '8 items' with a search box and three visible options: C_CUSTKEY, C_NAME, and C_ADDRESS. The right panel shows '0 item' with a search box and a 'No data' message with an empty inbox icon. Between the panels are right and left arrow buttons for moving items. Below is a collapsed 'Options' section.

Text Box

Defines a text box and its options, with optional support for SQL syntax highlighting. The metadata can be referenced in the config object using the attributeName.

- groupName: 'My Config Group'
- type: textBox
displayName: My Textbox
attributeName: myTextbox
syntax: sql
isRequired: true
enableIf: 'true'
displayNameName of the textbox. Pre-SQL and Post-SQLString
attributeNameA custom name. This is name that will show in the Node metadata and the name you'll use writing code.String
syntaxsql only. The syntax highlighting in text box.String
isRequiredIf this attribute is required.Boolean
enableIfIf true, display this config group, else hide this config group. Jinja expressions can be used in a quoted boolean for dynamic behavior. For example. (boolean string, 'true' | 'false', defaults 'true'\)String
The Coalesce Node Type Editor shows the Config header with a connected nodes icon, followed by a collapsed 'Node Properties' section and an expanded 'My Config Group' section. Within the expanded section is a 'My Textbox' field marked with a red asterisk (*) and an 'Expand' button in the top right. The textbox is a multi-line input field with line numbering visible, starting with '1'. Below is a collapsed 'Options' section.

System Columns

Append additional columns to a node on initialization.

- displayName: system_column_name1
attributeName: isSurrogateKey
transform: "my sql transform"
dataType: STRING
placement: beginning
nullable: true
defaultValue: hello
description: Some description
enableIf: 'true'
systemColumnsName of the arrayArray
displayNameName of the system column. {{NODE_NAME}} can be used to reference the name of the Node the column is generated for.String
attributeNameA custom name. This is name that will show in the Node metadata and the name you'll use writing code.String
transformThe initial transformation value. For example CAST(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AS TIMESTAMP).String
dataTypeSQL data typeString
placementbeginning, end Determines placement of system column in relation to normal columns.String
nullableIf null is allowedBoolean
defaultValueThe default valueString
descriptionWhat goes in the field descriptionString
enableIfIf true, display this config group, else hide this config group. Jinja expressions can be used in a quoted boolean for dynamic behavior. For example. (boolean string, 'true' | 'false', defaults 'true'\)String
The Coalesce Node Type Editor tab bar displays 'Browser', 'DIM_PART1', 'DIM_CUSTOMER_EXAMPLE', 'Line_item_DIM_Node', and 'Build Settings'. A table below shows column definitions including names, transforms, nullability, descriptions, default values, and data types.
Adding/Modifying System Columns

System columns are only added to a node when the node is first created on the graph. When adding new system columns to a UDN, these system columns will not immediately be available in the metadata of the current node you are editing.

In order for these changes to take effect, you must create a new node of this type on your graph. You must select this new node in the Node Type Editor to continue authoring it.

Mapping Columns

Append additional metadata columns to the mapping grid.

- headerName: My Mapping Column Name
attributeName: myMappingColumn
type: textBox
- headerName: Tech Description
attributeName: techDesc
type: textBox
- headerName: Ghost Record
attributeName: ghostRecord
type: textBox
mappingColumnsName of the arrayArray
headerNameName of the system column.String
attributeNameA custom name. This is name that will show in the Node metadata and the name you'll use writing code.String
typetextbox is the only option.String
The Coalesce Node Type Editor shows DIM_PART1 node details with a table layout. Table headers include 'Column Name', 'Contained in Hash', 'My Mapping Column Name', 'Tech Description', and 'Ghost Record', with the last three columns highlighted with a red outline.