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Node Definition

Written in YAML, the Node Definition is where you specify the UI elements and other configurations that should be available for Nodes. This includes the Node's color, its materialization options (table or view), business keys, and more.

For a full list, see the Node Definition Reference.

Node Definition Example
capitalized: Hydrated Dimension
short: DIM
tagColor: '#1E339A'
plural: Dimensions

- groupName: Options
- type: materializationSelector
isRequired: true
default: table
- table
- view

- type: multisourceToggle
enableIf: "{% if node.materializationType == 'table' %} true {% else %} false {% endif %}"

- type: businessKeyColumns
isRequired: true

- type: changeTrackingColumns
isRequired: false

- type: overrideSQLToggle
enableIf: "{% if node.materializationType == 'view' %} true {% else %} false {% endif %}"

- displayName: Enable Tests
attributeName: testsEnabled
type: toggleButton
default: true

- displayName: Pre-SQL
attributeName: preSQL
type: textBox
syntax: sql
isRequired: false

- displayName: Post-SQL
attributeName: postSQL
type: textBox
syntax: sql
isRequired: false

- groupName: Dropdown Selector Example
- type: dropdownSelector
displayName: My Dropdown Selector
attributeName: myDropdown
default: option1
- option1
- option2
isRequired: true


- displayName: '{{NODE_NAME}}_KEY'
transform: ''
dataType: NUMBER
placement: beginning
attributeName: isSurrogateKey

- displayName: SYSTEM_VERSION
transform: ''
dataType: NUMBER
placement: end
attributeName: isSystemVersion

transform: ''
dataType: VARCHAR
placement: end
attributeName: isSystemCurrentFlag

- displayName: SYSTEM_START_DATE
placement: end
attributeName: isSystemStartDate

- displayName: SYSTEM_END_DATE
transform: CAST('2999-12-31 00:00:00' AS TIMESTAMP)
placement: end
attributeName: isSystemEndDate

placement: end
attributeName: isSystemCreateDate

placement: end
attributeName: isSystemUpdateDate

- headerName: My Mapping Column Name
attributeName: myMappingColumn
type: textBox
Shows the dimension's column definitions with properties like ID fields, data types, and nullable flags on the left, while displaying node-level configuration options including materialization settings on the right under the Node Definition tab.

Node Properties

Nodes will always have an auto-generated Node Properties section. It contains:

  • Storage Location - Logical storage location representing the database and schema which are mapped in the Workspace/Environment's Storage Mappings.
  • Node Type - The name of the type of node. This could be user-defined or a core option. This can be changed by clicking the pencil next to the Node Type.
  • Deploy Enabled - This toggle determines if a Node will be included in a deployment. By default, all Nodes in a Workspace are included in a deployment, this allows changing that behavior.
Disabling Deploy

If a Node exists on the target environment and deploy is disabled, the next deployment will cause that Node's table to be dropped.

Config panel showing Node Properties with storage location, node type settings, and an enabled deployment toggle

Node Definition Config

The config section is where you’ll add in UI elements for the user such as a dropdown or business key toggle and then use it in Macros, Create Template, and Run Template.

In the config for the Node below, there is groupName:Options which contains the materializationSelector, multisourceToggle, businessKeyColumns, changeTrackingColumns, and other options. These correlate to the elements shown in the options. These are pre-built elements you can use.

split view of YAML node definition code and UI configuration panel with options for Business Key and Change Tracking settings
Node definition config

Adding Groups

Groups are where you can organize Node options. For example, the after the group labeled Options, there is a new group called Dropdown Selector Example. This adds a new group with a generic drop down selector that requires the user to select information. Using generic elements is a good way to get custom input.

Dropdown Selector Example
- groupName: Dropdown Selector Example
- type: dropdownSelector
displayName: My Dropdown Selector
attributeName: myDropdown
default: option1
- option1
- option2
isRequired: true
Split view of YAML configuration showing dropdown selector definition and corresponding UI panel with dropdown menu options
Node definition with new group added

System Columns

System columns add additional columns to a Node when first initialized. System columns can be customized using transforms. In the following image you can see multiple system columns in the Node Definition. System columns can be customized such as placement and the display name accepts Jinja.

YAML configuration showing system column definitions with display names, data types, and attributes for key, version, flag and timestamp fields.
System Columns
Database table mapping view for DIM_CUSTOMER showing customer fields and system tracking columns with data types and nullability settings
Coalesce Node Editor showing system columns

Here is an example of a system column that will appended to the beginning of the columns, so it appears as the first column. These only appear on initialization, so you might need to add a new Node to see the systemColumns.

You can use Jinja templating in the Node Definition, here it’s being used to get the Node Name. The attributeName is used in the Create or Run template to access the data.


transform: ''
dataType: NUMBER
placement: beginning
attributeName: isCustomName
Dimension table mapping view showing nation data fields including created date, nation key and name with data types and nullability settings
System column added with Jinja templating
Adding and Modifying System Columns

System columns are only added to a Node when the Node is first created on the graph. When adding new system columns to a user defined Node, these system columns will not immediately be available in the metadata of the current node you are editing.

For these changes to take effect, you must create a new Node of this type on your graph. You must select this new Node in the Node Type Editor to continue authoring it.

Mapping Columns

Mapping columns append additional metadata to the mapping grid. They are added as a column and are always a textbox.

- headerName: My Mapping Column Name
attributeName: myMappingColumn
type: textBox
Customer database table view with list of column names and additional configuration columns for Default Value, Hash, and Mapping fields with My Mapping Column Name highlights
Node Definition with My Mapping Column Name added