Coalesce Packages


Upgrade to the New Git Repo Format

Before you can use Packages, you must upgrade to the new Git Repo Format.


Packages Availability

Packages are currently only available in the US and EU regions for now. ANC and Canada will be available at a later date.

Coalesce Packages are custom Node Types that are accessed from the Coalesce Marketplace.

Coalesce Marketplace is a centralized library that provides data teams with templated collections of code, known as Packages. Every Package provides a curated selection of different Snowflake objects (known as node types in Coalesce), which are bundled together for a particular purpose, such as building out declarative data pipelines or implementing a Data Vault.

Install Packages

You can install packages from our Coalesce Marketplace. Packages are installed on the Workspace level only.

  1. Choose a package from the Coalesce Marketplace.
  2. Make note of the Package ID.
The Coalesce Marketplace and where to find the package ID to install a package.
Copy the package ID from the package you want to install.

Copy the package ID from the package you want to install.

  1. In the Coalesce App, go to Build Settings > Packages. Click Install.
Install packages by going to Build Settings > Packages.

Install packages by going to Build Settings > Packages.

  1. Enter the Package ID you previously copied.
  2. Select the version you want to install.
  3. Enter a Package Alias. The alias is a unique and descriptive name for the package so you can easily identify it later.s
    1. A package alias can only contain letters, numbers, and dashes. It can’t contain consecutive dashes.
    2. Package aliases can’t start or end with a dash.
  4. Install your package.

Use a Package

Once a package is installed, you can use them like any other Node. Create a new Node in the Mapping Grid or change the node type in the Node Editor.

Manage Your Packages

Packages can come installed with multiple Macros and Node Types.


Packages Can’t Be Edited or Copied

You can make edits to the package configuration.

Use Package Macros In Your Workspace

If your package comes with macros, you can use them outside the package. Import them into your Workspace macros.

  1. Go to Build Settings > Macros.
  2. Select the package macros from the list. The list will use the package alias created during installation.

To use the package macros, you’ll have to add them to the Workspace. You can do this by adding it as an alias to your Workspace macros.

{%from “<alias>” import <packageMacroName>%}

{%from “my-pkg-alias” import removeDashes%}

Workspace Macros

If you want to use Workspace macros in a package node, you can use them as normal. The import syntax isn’t needed.

Edit the Package Configuration

The package configuration is a set of variables you can set values for to customize the package for your use. The available configuration options depend on the package. Not all packages have a configuration. For example, timestamp_format would let you set the format to HH:MM:SS.

  1. Go to Build Settings > Packages.
  2. For the package you want to edit, click Edit Config.
Example of a package configuration

Example of a package configuration

Enable/Disable Package Nodes

Packages will be listed by the package alias created during installation.

Go to Build Settings > Node Types, to toggle the node.

How to turn packages on and off.

How to turn packages on and off.

Upgrading Packages

  1. Install the new package version. You'll follow the same steps as installing a package, just choose the version you want to install.
  2. Copy the package configuration from the old package to the new package.
  3. Bulk update the node types of any nodes you want to move.
  4. Uninstall the old package version.

Uninstall a Package

Packages can only be uninstalled if they aren’t in use. In use packages will return a list of locations the package is in use. You’ll need to remove those locations before you can delete them.

You'll receive a notification that tells you which packages to uninstall.

You'll receive a notification that tells you which packages to uninstall.

To delete a package:

  1. Go to Build Settings > Packages.
  2. Click Uninstall next to the package you want to delete.
  3. This will remove the package from the current workspace.

Git and Packages

Your packages are committed using the package alias you created during installation. The file will contain the package ID.

To see an example of a Git Commit, review What Gets Committed.

Example of two packages being commited.

Example of two packages being commited.